Remember the story of the ingenious patch job that fixed the flat tire I had on the way to Cape Coast in December? Well good! I didn't... until last Thursday morning that is. So UN-GERMAN of me! But hey, it lasted a month. That's impressive, isn't it? :)
Here are a few snaps of the whole procedure of getting it fixed this time. Not quite as exciting as the first time round since I had a spare tube this time but you get the general idea. The comical side of it, there were bikes with flats to be seen about everywhere that morning. Hence, the Thursday of flat tires!
We had a new addition to the camp for exactly 2 days. A little homeless puppy that was taken in by one of the guys. Her name was 'Lucky' which seemed to be fitting. Not so much now as she sadly has disappeared and it is very unlikely that she is still alive :(
Saturday may have possibly marked an early end to the Harmattan season with rain like I haven't experienced it before. A blessing and relieve from the dust that is everywhere. I have robbed a few pictures off my friend Rozahn (thank you!). Hope it gives you an idea.
I'm in Accra now and will be heading to the Airport in a couple hours. Really looking forward to going home! Shneaky pints on Tuesday night anyone? :)