Thursday 16 February 2012

Return of the whales


   Accra to Galway to Berlin to Galway to Accra in 3 weeks, with temperatures varying from +34 °C to -17 °C. We caught up with family, friends, good music and gorged on delicious foods (borderline gluttony). Both of us are carrying food babies at the moment - hence this weeks blog theme - so we were actually looking forward to return to Ghana to lose the gut. Although, the pounds of cheese, salami, bottles of wine among other tasty drops 'smuggled' into the country mightn't help matters. We looked like packed mules landing into Accra on Tuesday night. On arrival back in Purple Rocks last night it took me 2 hours (!) to put everything into place in our small humble room. 

 Reunion with the love of his life :)

600 gr prime rib chargrilled steak... clearly vegetarian!

Thank you duty free :)