Thursday, 29 November 2012


Look at these guys. They sound friendly but I think they're actually invading. Alfred Hitchcock style!
On a more serious note, Rory and I will do a tire/tube change bootcamp this sunday.  I need fit a new tube into Suzi's front tire anyways before we head down to Accra in about 2 weeks and after the last episodes we both feel the strong need to get our own technique right. I gots to be able to do this! I shall report later.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Surrounded by Beauty

Amazing sunset last night. Only had my mobile to take the snap unfortunately. The locals didn't understand what I was taking a picture of... I guess you don't appreciate beauty when you're surrounded by it all your life? It usually gets dark in a matter of minutes and quite early (around 6 pm).

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

It just got real

Great thing to wake up and to look at the map of western and northern Africa first thing in the morning, no longer dreaming of but planning the big trip home. Roll on June 2013!

Sunday, 4 November 2012

More pics

Unfortunately it's a bit overcast today. Was hoping to sit out on the bench for a while and work on those freckles before the sun is too intense. Ah well... indoor studying it is so. We will move the motorbikes to their new home some time today. Haven't started Suzi in 4 weeks. Hope she won't feel too neglected and not give me any problems. Here are some very recent pictures from site and our camp. I've highlighted where we live and my office. Enjoy!

 Camp A, where we live (see yellow arrow).

Ball and SAG Mill making progress. Basically 2 ginormous spinning washing machines :)

 My office in the back, an 8 minute walk from the camp to work.