Sunday, 2 December 2012


The tire/tube changing bootcamp was a full success! We managed to break the bead on Rory's KTM which most people will agree can be a pain in the butt. Well, it was for as when we had to get Rory's tire fixed the first time in Accra a while ago. Thanks to a nice bead breaker tool Rory purchased recently, it was really easy and well worth every penny. 
  Personally I am also quite pleased with my achievements today. I managed to change the tube with very little (muscle) help from Rory. Getting the new ultra heavy duty tube in actually proofed to be the biggest challenge today but also this worked out fine. After this practice session I'm confident I would be able to fix a puncture on my own. The only challenge remaining is to get the bike lifted, given the fact Suzi hasn't got a centre stand. I don't see how I would manage that on my own at the side of the road. We're both really pleased how this went and with raised confidence and don't mind the sweat and sunburn it took to get there.
  We also fitted "camel toe's" to both our bikes. They increase the surface of the side stand to avoid the bike to sink or fall over on softer ground.
  Unfortunately the moment I had fitted mine on Suzi I discovered a leak just behind the bash plate and below the rear suspension. Looking closer and going by the consistency and smell of the fluid it seems to be hydraulic oil from the suspension. Just when you think punctures are your biggest problem :( 
  One guy here said I should rather take it as a blessing this has happened now. It would have most likely happened on the trip otherwise and that would be far worse than having to deal with this now. Though and unfortunately it means, I won't be able to ride down to Accra on Suzi on the 14th Dec when we're heading out on our next break. It's either 2 up on Rory's KTM or the bus... May this as it be, we're having a beer to celebrate. Slainte!

Breaking the bead

Fitting the camel toe on KT(M)

New "shoe" :) and new leak :( 

Curious spectators