Tuesday 1 November 2011

School time!

Today has not only been a school day for the kids around the library but also for myself - I have a headache. 
  Let me just say the last few days I've come to experience in what strange ways the Ghanaian mind works - or not. The latter may be the issue actually. One example: Sammy and Seth painted the shelves assuring me this was an easy task. So I bit my tongue and left them to it. Oh boy... Not only did they paint the shelves but also managed to cover everything around them in paint. I even spotted a handprint on the ceiling where one of them obviously was leaning for support while painting the top shelve. That not enough, they figured rubbing the paint stained walls and floors with rough sandpaper would be a great way of undoing the damage. Of course, since the wall paint has now come off too, leaving ugly grey patches of concrete, we've hopefully learned that covering the area around you before painting and using soft sandpaper would have been a much better idea. The guys have managed to turn a previously not so bad looking place into a mess. Unreal! Anyway... We're getting there (or so I hope) :)
  I dared to stand outside the library for an instant too long and was spotted and surrounded by a shouting overly excited bunch in no time. Everytime the kids see me they keep shouting the Obruni chorus. It's almost as if they shout themselves into a trance-like state. A bit draining after a while and according to Sammy it won't change either, not even in a years time. I try not to think about that. Since I was the focus of their attention I thought I'll turn it around and took out the camera. It was incredible to see their reactions when showing them the snap on the camera display afterwards. They get so excited over little things. Amazing.
  Update on Suzi: She made it out of customs yesterday. Planning my trip down to Accra to collect her shortly. Whoop :)
  A few snaps from today - this is literally just outside the door from the library.

this is the bunch in order - thanks to creative 
teaching methods such as using a cane stick :0
school buildings left and right and spot
for preparing meals at the tree to the left
 thanks goodness these doors were there
they would have eaten me alive (probably...)

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