Saturday 11 May 2013


After weeks of mostly French and Arabic it was strange for us to suddenly hear people speaking Spanish and English. Once landed in Algeciras we went straight for Gibraltar where we got to stay in a fabulous apartment overlooking the Marina, thanks to a friend of Rory's brother Chris. Lucky ducks aren't we. The same night we met up with the lovely Laura Guinnane. The first familiar face we had seen since Cote d'Ivoire. The well overdue lolz were had. 
   Unfortunately the next day I fell ill with a nasty stomach flu and was bed bound for a few days. No better place for it to happen though. At least we had a good place to stay and a well equipped kitchen for Rory to cook and care for me :)
   At first sign of me feeling better we went up on the rock with its fantastic views of Gibraltar, Spain and Morocco where we had come from only a few days earlier. It's slowly starting to sink in what an amazing journey we've had so far. Our leg muscles are obviously not accustomed to natural use anymore as we woke up with extremely sore muscles the next day from walking down all the way from the top of the rock to the city centre.
   We ended up staying a full week in Gibraltar, although not exactly planned it was probably a blessing in disguise and a much needed break. For us as much as for the bikes which got a full service at MC Pitstop. I even had them clean out my fuel tank and was later on told by the mechanic there was "mucho mierda" in it. The joys of buying fuel in Africa. Aaron, the owner of the garage really went out of his way trying to suit our time table and making sure all parts and especially the new tires were available. A nice, competent bunch. We highly recommend.

View from the apartment we got to stay in 

Rock of Gibraltar

Noisy bastards

Great hang out spot
Landing strip in the centre of the city with a road running through it. Never seen anything like it before.  
Moorish Castle 

What doesn't fit will be made to fit :)

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