From child labour to RTFM
Quick update on the progress in the library. We're still busy with adding books to the accession register which could basically be described as stock taking. We've added about 1.500 books so far. Many books unfortunately had to be removed and disposed of because they had been in poor storage conditions for several months before and termites had gotten to them. Unfortunately some of the encyclopedias are damaged too and now incomplete. Frustrating.
We've done a good clean up of the room. The guys had to remove the stains of paint from the tables and chairs. While Seth and Hayford were taking a break 3 year old Lewis made himself useful :) The room is starting to take shape with an official desk/office space for the librarian. It's still a long way to go, but at least progress is showing.
Kev, one of Rory's colleagues from Australia was so kind to bring back a screen for Suzi. We fitted it yesterday and it looks pretty decent. I like! Rory meanwhile got busy scratching his head over installing the bike to bike radio kit on his KTM. You need to have studied to understand that manual. By the way, a few days ago we fixed the problem with the clutch. It is now running on 100% extra virgin olive oil :)
Oh yeah, how do you like my new helmet camera? :D
I adore the pic of the little boy basking in all those books and magazines! x Sarah