Tuesday 27 December 2011

Ho Ho Ho

   Sunday week ago we went for a spin to the mountains around Nkawkaw. Lovely scenery, particularly loved the serpentine-like stretch of road that brought us up and down the mountain. There were several abandoned trucks along the way, either to weak to make it up or abandoned because the breaks aren't working. You'd be shocked to know how many motors over here are speeding about the place with no breaks and you'd also wonder why someone would even attempt to go down such a road when the breaks aren't working. Suicidal if you ask me. Actually one of my constant worries when I'm on the road myself. Once again, welcome to Africa :)
   On one of those sharp bends uphill we encountered an abandoned bus blocking the way. Cars, including ourselves had to pass it on the inner side of the steep curve. At least by the time we were headed back a towing truck was working on it. 
   Hope everyone has had a relaxing and enjoyable few days with their loved ones. Can't believe the year is nearly over. Although Rory and myself are not the Christmassy type we thoroughly enjoyed a chilled out day by the pool with the few remaining staff left at Purple Rocks. We had some visitors from Newmont also. Rory's day was made when we were presented with a big, tasty lump of ham. He made sure to stuff himself with as much as he could eat and he somehow talked the canteen crew into handing him the leftover ham when they finished up. Opportunist! :) We ended the day with a round of Monopoly. Haven't played that game in years and it turned out to be quite entertaining. 
   Since my library crew won't return until the 9th of January I have decided to take a few days off myself. I shall mostly be sitting by the pool today reading a book (if the haze decides to lift) and thinking of the terrible freeze-shock I will get when I am back in Ireland in just 4 weeks time. I'll be hitting Irish soil on the 24th January until 14th February. Would love to catch up with whoever is around then.
   Tomorrow we'll take a spin down to Cape Coast for a few nights. It's meant to be beautiful with lots to see. Really looking forward to the trip. 

Petrol station - the moment just before he managed to spill the petrol all over the bike *classic* :)


Heading towards Nkawkaw and the mointains (Kwahu-Oda)

Rory pushing it...



The big feast

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