Saturday 2 February 2013

Peace, love and all

What cracks me up a lot of times are the rather unlucky and comic choices of titles for the numerous stalls and enterprises along Ghanaian roads. One is spoiled for choice doing business with Blessed Electrical Services (what can possibly go wrong?!), Blood & Fire Barber (how reassuring), Abotere Carpentry & Haircut (diversify!), Justice Shop (the price will tell), and Thank You Jesus (how very Irish). 
  Many Ghanaians (or perhaps Africans for that matter) like to choose epic first names for their offspring. Along the many males named Moses, Elvis and Prince you will be introduced to individuals called Comfort, Bright, Saviour, Prosper, Foster, Aswell, Sabbath, Mercy, Gifty and Legzzy just to name a few. You could nearly build a conversation or riddle around these names. J
  Apart from the more creative names there’s a clear preference for the biblical such as Obed, Dinah, David, Solomon, Ebenezer, Moses, Samuel, Benjamin, Joseph, Isaac, Esther, Sampson even Shadrach with “Emmanuel” being the distinct overall winner. It’s not surprising really, if you consider the amount of churches of all kinds of Christian orientation rubbing shoulders with each other in the tiniest of villages. 
  Talking about love thy neighbour… we’re currently on lockdown due to civil unrest. It’s all about the money, money, money… Enough said!
Blessed Electrical Services and Bike Emporium -
The coffin maker has settled next door...

1 comment:

  1. Mercy, Gifty, Legzzy... Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho
    It's home from work we go.... ;)
