Sunday 17 March 2013

Fun on Two Wheels

One of the many definite highlights so early into our holiday was the weekend off-road motorcycle course with African Dream Adventures (ADA) in the 'cradle of humankind' in Gauteng, South Africa. 
   We met a lot of great people, in particular our instructors Judy and Mark who with their vast experience and enthusiasm made this an unforgettable experience. We can't leave unmentioned here the length they both went to in helping us progress with our skills for the big trip. Mark, if you're reading this you are an absolute legend for giving Rory your 'baby' (we are talking about a KTM). To lend your bike to a complete stranger and novice on the dirt is a very noble thing to do. I bet you liked how Rory thanked you by roostering you with your own bike ;-)
Some of the stuff we got up to and in most cases confidently mastered by the end of the course:
   - In depth practise of throttle and clutch control
   - Proper balance and positioning
   - Uphill recovery
   - Sand riding
   - Skidding
   - Gravel and loose rock tracks (such as found in river beds)
   - Light jumps / bunny hops 
It's been an absolute joy and our thanks go out to Heine and his family (the food was to die for!) and everyone else involved. We will make sure to be back for DP2.

Judy and Mark demonstrating what to do and not to do when stuck in sand

Mark talking me through a steep up- and downhill ride
Smiling for the camera, inside I'm dying a little bit... 
I made it up and down in one piece! Piece of cake ;-)
Thanks to a very patient instructor!

Debrief after 2 absolutely amazing days filled with fun and learning. Tired but happy heads on us.
Cheers to that!
Watching the pro's making a tire change look easy

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