Saturday 30 March 2013

Weight Watchers

Packing... There are people out there already challenged with having to pack for a weekend away. Imagine the range of emotions to go through when packing for a ~2 months trip by motorcycle through rural parts of western Africa and Europe with weight limitations. The theme here is: Less is more!
   Although it took us a good few hours until we were happy how the luggage sits, we think we're not doing too bad for overland travel novices. Riding with all that luggage will be a different story though ;-)
   Since Rory's bike has just got an overhaul we had to spend some time on Suzi. I didn't manage to do everything I wanted but the major bits have been looked after. After 2 days of stressing around the bikes we started test packing today. Takes quite some time to balance the weight of the luggage evenly and to find practical spots for everything. The first few days into the trip will tell...
   One neat idea we robbed of a fellow trainee at ADA in Joburg a couple weeks ago is the use of "dead space" on the bike such as underneath the seat. So clever indeed, we had to rob the idea.
   On another note, the application for our Côte d'Ivoire visas went smooth but since we didn't factor the Easter holidays in we won't be able to collect them until Tuesday, 2nd April. Which means the new start date of our epic journey is Wednesday, 3rd April. Wahoo!

Fatso :)
and fatsy :)

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