Friday 5 April 2013

Axim, Ghana

We're 300 km closer to home. Too early to be counting down? :)
   Our behinds and legs are very sore after riding the stretch from Accra to Axim. It took us 7 (leisurely) hours. For the last half hour we were rewarded with some nice off-road stretches around Axim to get to our accommodation for the night. Nice to be able to put ADA lessons into practise. 
   On top of that we managed to get a room at a hotel right at the beach for 40 USD only (quite incredible for Ghana!). We will head to Elubo to cross the border to Côte d'Ivoire bright and early in the morning. It's about 80 km from Axim. Excited to be leaving Ghana. It will feel like a true adventure once we've crossed the border.

parked up for the night

a lovely last memory of Ghana


  1. memory for a lifetime!

  2. been meaning to ask — you guys sorted places to sleep every night so no crazy camping in the wilderness? any risk of wildlife running you down? or the plan is just to gobsheit scare 'em back into the plains?


  3. Be safe my friends. AML Jack

  4. Delighted to read you got rolling. That stay looks class but is shockingly dear.

    Safe journey, Dalin
