Wednesday 24 April 2013


About an hour from Dakar the Atlantic breeze nearly blew us off our bikes with strong cross winds. The ride into Dakar was no different to other major city, dirty suburbs, heavy traffic and people trying to sell you stones off the road or their grandmothers :) Ducking and diving between the traffic was enjoyable and Rory's hobby of competing for road space and aggravating bus drivers by slowing down right in front them was exercised to large extend. 
   On arrival into our location in an area called Yoff, we checked into a lovely  little family run hotel where were treated to a room with sea view. We decided to enjoy Dakar and chill out for a few days. My bike had started behaving strangely and would suddenly stall. A mechanic at a petrol station reckoned it was the spark plug. Turns out he may have been dead right. We changed the plug and it's been running fine since, although the fuel filter may need some attention too. 
   A good way of getting to know a city is hunting for KTM tires in dimensions no one seems to have in stock :) We spent a good 2 days trying to find Rory a new rear tire as it has gone down to nearly 2/3 of thread between Togo and Senegal. Unfortunately we were unsuccessful and decided to truck on with the tire as is. The road from here on to Morocco is mostly paved and it just means we will have to be more aware.
  We were spoiled for choice with food (Rory's first word in French is "Patisserie", who would have thought it has to do with food?!). From local Senegalese cuisine to a savage Chinese it's all there. Growing bellies after only 3 days in Dakar says it all.
  The city views of Dakar are spectacular, especially the African Renaissance monument towering over the city. An enjoyable stay all together.

Le Plateu in Dakar

Lend the poor woman some clothes...

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