Friday 26 April 2013

Saint Louis

We had hoped the strong crosswinds would settle down after leaving Dakar. Unfortunately they got even stronger as we were headed north to Saint Louis, the first French settlement in West Africa. After speaking to some by-passers we were told the strong winds will be probably our companion all along the coast to Tangier in Morocco. Dislike! It takes away from the enjoyment of the scenery around us, as you got to focus a lot on your road positioning and trying to keep head and helmet straight. Rory checks his rear view mirrors every time a truck passes by to make sure the whirlwind it creates hasn't whisked me off the road. Not a far fetched worry either, trust me!
   On arrival at the hotel of our choice the Watchman and Receptionist insisted we park the bikes in their courtyard. Sound we thought. Until we figured, this actually meant driving the bikes past the reception through the main entrance. This was a first! Our bikes were constantly passed and admired by kitchen staff as we had parked right outside the hotel kitchen. Checking out the next morning "by bike" was great fun.
   Saint Louis is yet again a bit like a time travel. It has a very relaxed vibe about it. We enjoyed wandering about town and didn't mind the occasional hordes of homeless children following us around. We donated tissues, sweets and loose change. We had a lovely dinner at the hotel and relaxed colonial style to bet fit for the border crossing in the morning and the next stage of our journey. Country no. 5: Mauritania.

Stocking up on supplies for the trip to St. Louis. The boy does love his bread :)
   Faidherbe bridge connecting Saint Louis to the mainland

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